
Posts Tagged ‘top ten’

  1. His most important career goal is finding Bigfoot
  2. He attended an Ivy League school (both Bushes went to Yale and Obama to Harvard… Need I say more?)
  3. Thinks the theory of evolution is a bigger hoax than global warming
  4. Named all his kids after road signs
  5. Is a member of the Bush family tree…  Seriously, one more Bush in office and we might as well start calling this country New China!
  6. Spends more time in men’s rooms than Sen. Larry Craig
  7. Thinks book burning is a fun family activity, second on the list to building a witch pyre.
  8. Thinks the Oval Office is really named the Oral Office
  9. Believes the next US state will actually be a colony on the moon (google the National Aeronautics and Space Policy Act of 1981).
  10. Makes major economic policy decisions using a Magic 8 Ball.

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